Sitting in my truck for many August days and nights, I waited patiently. Quietly, as my target was quick to startle.
I was on the hunt for Hannibal, a 1,500-pound bull who miraculously busted out of a squeeze chute to escape a slaughterhouse and avoid ritual sacrifice. A whole lot of people had already tried on foot, horseback, and even by helicopter. But he was smarter than all of us. He sure didn’t make it easy. I ended up spending two months and two days trying to catch this kid…
By the end, I had infrared, motion-detecting cameras running 24/7, some real high-grade spy gear. But it meant I could be back at the sanctuary a lot more and still keep my eyes on him.
It took that long for the mugwort plants he’d been eating to die out with the season. The fresh hay I was putting out daily was getting tempting.

Finally, it was time. A crew of friends and volunteers came out with me and managed to get him into a new custom feeder and then into the trailer. He was caught only 1,000 feet from where he had escaped. Today, he’s still a maniac, hanging out with Molly and Moxie, and Peanut, his 2,200 lb. best friend. And he’s absolutely fantastic.